Have You Ever Seen A Really Powerful and Memorable Speaker and when it comes time to tell your friends about them all you can remember is their story .... a story that riveted you to your chair.  

Have you noticed you can also recall their story years later?
That's called a Spell Binding Message  

Did you notice the silence that came down upon the room when they told their story and did you notice the whole room was transfixed?  
That's called Owning A Room
Courageous Speaking Will Teach You How to: 
 Develop A Powerful & Unforgettable Presentation Opening
 Deliver a spell binding message ...... without notes
 Discover How Your Message Teaches & Transcend Others 
You Will: 
 Deliver a Spell Binding Message On The Last Afternoon
 Personally Feel the Power of Owning A Room 
 Leave Having Transcended One of Your Deepest Held Fears
 Become Ready To Share Your Story & Message With The World
This Is One Of My 
Leave With It Done Programs
This Is NOT Just Boring Theory
 You Will Not Only Speak During The Event but you will Leave With Valuable Feedback and Undeniable Proof You Can Do It!
 Yes, you will deliver at the front of the room, the 10 minute "Earn The Right" you develop over your two days with the group.
My Promise To You
My promise to you is that this isn't just theory.  You will never be surrounded by so much love, support and comradeship.  

The only way you can't "leave with it done" is if you consciously decide you won't step up to speak.  

To date no one who turned up on Day 2 has bailed on actually delivering their talk.  

This course will break you through deep held fears, but to do that, you must take action and speak to the group.
Margaret Gill
2 Day Courageous Speaking Immersion Retreat

A Unique Window Has Opened For Me To Run A "Return To The Boards" Immersion Retreat
In Beautiful Surroundings in Noosa, Queensland, Australia


Friday 12 October to Sunday 14 October 2018


Friday 19 October to Sunday 21 October 2018
You Need to Complete a Short Application Form & I'll Phone You To Talk About Your Courageous Speaking Journey With Me
Scroll Down If You Need More Information
"I Finally Feel Like I've Been Heard!"
Courageous Speaking Helps People On A Mission Develop Strong Bonds With Their Audience Through Emotional Connection, Raw Vulnerability and Authentic Truth ...... As You Voice Your Story & Allow It To be Witnessed in a Small & Supportive Group, Something Within Releases, Allowing Your Soul's Intent to Transcend & SOAR Beyond It's Wildest Dreams
What Makes This Workshop Different From Other Speaking Workshops?
There Are FIVE Key Difference With This Workshop
1. It's Feet On The Stage: What is really different about this course is that it's not just theory, you WILL tell your story for 10 minutes & then I will give you feedback.
2. No Excuses: The other five participants will be there for you as you speak, as you will be for them. Everyone who comes back from lunch speaks and no one leaves until everyone has spoken. You will witness souls soar as people break through their fear.
3. Witnessing: By the end of the course, you will not only have told your story, but you will have held the space for others to speak. You will witness the transformation of other participants telling their story and realise how awesome they were and that they were just as scared and full of self doubt as you were at the start. The witnessing is a humbling experience and you KNOW the feedback from the audience members carries no agenda, which helps give you undeniable knowledge that you did a great job.
4. You Get Instant Feedback: The "Not Good Enough Voice" doesn't get a chance to develop because I will give you valuable feedback after you speak, which locks in the experience, then should you wish, the audience will tell you what they experienced.
5. You Leave With It Done: You won't go home and have to develop the learning yourself, you will leave with your story done, rehearsed and ready to go.
What Outcomes Have Others Got From Previous Courageous Speaking Intensives?
100% of the people who have done my speaking course and showed up ready to tell their story on the afternoon of Day 2, not only transfixed the room with their story, but they felt the undeniable power of speaking without notes and owning a room.

They had one evening to put the learning and their story together. 

The next day they not only spoke without notes and without any prompts whatsoever, they also healed their story and silenced the damaging voice in their head that was holding them back from developing not only their own true potential, but that of the people they were put on this earth to serve.

Not everyone told the story they prepared.  Some were so moved by the courage of other participants that they swapped out their original, easier to tell story, and got up totally unrehearsed and told their truest rock bottom moment story and totally mesmerised the room.

Owning a room isn't about stage craft, it's about sharing what's in your heart.  
What Have Past Participants Accomplished After Doing This Course
This is where things get really interesting!

Very few participants went out and spoke immediately.  Quite frankly I stopped teaching this content because I thought I was failing my people because very few went out and actually spoke.

Then I hit a rough life patch and didn't teach for a while, which allowed the gift of hindsight.

No one took the exact same journey, but eventually course participants started to do things they might never have thought possible - those things included:
  • Speaking and Creating Their Own Unique Message
  • Authoring + Publishing Books
  • Publishing Their Own Card Deck & Healing System
  • Running Retreats in Exotic Places 
  • Completely Transforming Themselves Physically
  • Many Created The Gift of Life ...... Their Own Treasured Family
Yes, all participants attended other trainings before and after mine, but by speaking their story, often for the first time ever AND without notes, something changed within them forever.  

What the soul brings forth for people at this event gives the human undeniable proof that they're good enough and when that happens ..... humans become unstoppable.  

This course offers a rare and magical space to move yourself to a completely new level.
“Clarity, powerful, surprising”
Equa Foot
Art Therapist, Melbourne, Victoria
Everyone has a story!
Hi, I'm Margaret Gill and I believe everyone has a story and I hold an even stronger belief that your story is your glory.

A true story delivered in a heart felt, structured way, following a time honoured framework will not only win over your audience but will have them leave with you in their hearts forever.

But ...... until you feel an audience hear your story, you will forever dismiss your story as not good enough or "not something anyone else would want to hear.

Courageous Speaking is a very unique and intimate public speaking intensive.

Many describe the experience as life changing.

It is a rare soul that get’s through life without some massive falls, bruises and scrapes.

Courageous Speaking not only allows you to summon the courage to tell your bruises and scrapes tale, it allows you to tell it in front of six other supportive people who are also valiantly overcoming their fears and stepping into their true and divine potential.

Courageous Speaking is for people who have been knocked down but were brave enough to get back up and have another go!

Most never share what they often judge as their "hard luck" story because they’ve bought into old world thinking that says it’s unprofessional to get up close and personal with your audience.

However, we have now moved into a whole new energy that demands truth, authenticity and REAL!

Your uniqueness is what makes you stand out from the crowd.

No matter what your story is, it's the one defining thing that makes you different.  Even if all six participants had the exact same life experience, their expression of it will be different.  In fact we've had people at previous events with very similar story themes & circumstances, but when told, each was totally unique ... simply because each souls interpretation of an experience is slightly different.

Courageous Speaking gets results

A large percentage of participants have spoken publicly after the course. For many the first step was teaching their first workshop, then they have progressed to talks and presentations. 

Some hit the stage immediately, some never went on to speak, but went on to create other amazing ways for their message to go out to the world, like writing a book.

Whatever route they took, these unlikely heroines and heros got themselves to the front of the room and shone!

The Courageous Speaking Intensive will help you finally gain the confidence to break the fear around getting your unique message to the world, in whatever format is right for you.

Why Does It Work So Powerfully?
I believe the biggest thing that stops people getting their message out is the constant question from their monkey brain – “Am I good enough?”

The other looming demon is ..... what if people find out the truth of what happened to me in another time and place.  It's this story that you tell during the Courageous Speaking Intensive!

The story that holds people back, is the story that sets them free.

Most people's greatest struggle is to decide "which hard luck story to tell".  They leave the first day of the event swearing they won't be able to get it down to one story.

Deep inside everyone knows what that one story is!

I've had people stay up all night rehearsing one story, only to tell the real story that is holding them back, totally unrehearsed, and bring the room to tears.

Often people voice words that have been stuck inside them since childhood.

There is a very safe and agreed space in which the stories are told.

Because everyone in the room, including me, will tell their story over the weekend, this creates an incredibly safe space for the true stories to reveal themselves.

Once you speak, you are given feedback by me, and then you will be asked if you want feedback from the other participants.  No one has ever said no to the group's feedback, but that decision would be honoured should it ever occur.

You don’t leave the stage until I truly believe you have owned the room and felt it.

This doesn’t involve hyping yourself up to believe you can do more than you feel safe to. This is not “ra-ra” or “hyped up” training to run over hot coals or become a rockstar .... without being able to sing or play an instrument! 

This course is for people who choose to go deep, learn to speak from the heart and are determined to make a difference on the planet.

I simply teach you to communicate authentically, using your story as your glory, delivering as YOU.
Tell Your Story!  Your Story Is Your Glory

The bumps and thumps that happen in our life reveal a rich tapestry that when told in a tried and true formula, will not only bring you more clients, your story will help people attract to you naturally, because your story makes you easy for people to relate to.

My Courageous Speaking Intensive, not only allows you to dig deep into your story, it teaches you to tell your story in public, in a powerful, yet authentic way.
Most people would rather fall face first into a plate of cold vomit than speak in public ....... that is until they've been to my event!
It's a well documented fact that most would rather die than speak in public ………… we've all heard the joke about people rather being in the coffin than delivering the eulogy ........ but speaking is a gift that not only gets you noticed by everyone in the room - it also lets you say what you want to say and be heard.  

Speaking is the fastest way to grow YOU and your business………so if you are serious about your business you MUST learn how to speak and more importantly learn how to tell your story.

My Courageous Speaking Intensive not only gives you the knowledge to get up and speak, it breaks you through your fear and sends you out the door, having actually spoken and been honestly critiqued before you leave.
This live event will help you in three ways
Firstly you will learn the power of story telling and how it applies to you.
Secondly we will turn your story into a compelling opening that will win over anyone in an audience of your target market every time you speak.
Thirdly you will gain new clarity, confidence and courage in yourself, your message and who you are really destined to work with.
  •    On one level this is an event where I teach you what I know about speaking because speaking is THE fastest way to grow yourself, your business and become known as an expert in your field AND overcome your fear of speaking
  •   On another level we are revealing your inner identity to the world & helping you get clarity in your messaging

How to Find Your Inner Identity?
Most people are afraid of their story and who they are .... until they come to my event.

I help you find what I call your inner identity. It is the one thing that defines you.

Most people can’t discover their own inner identity for themselves because they are too close to it ....... but with a little help from me – we can usually hammer your inner identity by the end of your Courageous Speaking journey. If we don’t … I stick with you via phone until we do.

If you are serious about growing your business and then going onto greater things, the one thing you have to be is unique and finding your inner identity is the way to find your uniqueness.

The thing I’ve found to give the greatest clue to recognising and then packaging your inner identity is your unique story. No one else has experienced your story in the exact same way you have, so your story will hold massive clues as to who you really are.

The major problem is that you rarely get to tell that story in front of people who are 100% on your side and willing to give you 100% of their attention. If you are prepared to tell your story in the way I teach you over the weekend – magic happens.

Through your story I will help you find your uniqueness, craft your message and then show you how that could translate into your business.
Loved Margaret’s approach – so passionate, authentic, learnt by feeling the emotion rather than the theory.
Suzie Crawford - Gold Coast
Your Story is Your Glory
What most don’t realise is that growing you and your business or creative ventures can become much easier when you know what your story is and how that story relates to your customers.

Once you understand your story, your story will shape your message.
Powerful Messages Create Personal Success
This course will help you overcome your fear of public speaking in two days by giving you the theory of how I overcame my fear.  Then I simply let you implement that theory live .... yes you will tell your story during this  workshop intensive.
Your Power Is In YOUR Story
Have you ever noticed the minute someone starts to tell a story, everyone in the room turns to listen. By leveraging the theory of story telling, you can have this effect on your audiences too.

I have developed a gift for helping you to identify and act on the uniqueness that is you

If you are thinking everyone but you will be unique, well you can relax. I’ve figured out that your uniqueness lies in the curved balls life sends everyone from time to time.

What I've figured out is:
  • Most every person on the planet has experienced some sort of pain and discomfort in their lifetime
  • What most don’t know is that the messages in that discomfort is what makes them totally unique.
Over the weekend you will learn to craft your uniqueness into a format that will win the right audience every time.

I say “right” audience because I never encourage you to speak to audiences that don’t already want to hear what you have to say and I will never ask you to try to speak about anything you don’t already know. 

Makes it a no brainer really!
Susan Living

Last Seen Following Her Heart in Overseas Aid Endeavours
Health Coach - Gold Coast QLD
Author of Azabe & Creator of the Art of Nurture
Holistic Counsellor - Noosa Heads QLD
Founder of Medicine For Your Spirit
Maroochydore QLD
Sorceress of the Heart 
Melbourne VIC
Your Inner Identity Holds the Key
If I hadn’t overcome my fear of speaking I would have sunk into oblivion years ago.

Anyone who has worked with me will tell you how much difference speaking made to their business and their profitability.

BUT each time I teach this material something magical happens……

As people begin to understand their story, they also begin to understand that their story is directly linked to their practice and their life.

I’ll be totally honest with you – I had no idea this would happen!

BUT when I started teaching people to speak, miracles started to occur right in front of my eyes. As people were given space and permission to communicate who they really are…………..they suddenly stepped into a new place of power and SHAZAM!
“I feel I can now express my truth”
Louise Amse
Melbourne, Victoria
Courageous Speaking started life as Sore to SOAR but the named only worked when it was written not spoken, so it is now known as Courageous Speaking but with the same great content and outcomes for participants.  

These courses are always small and intimate and that's why they work!
In This Two Day Event You Will Learn How To:
  • Communicate with clarity and integrity
  • ​Overcome your fear of speaking
  • ​Learn the number one secret ingredient in speaking
  • ​Get clarity in your messages to strangers
  • ​Build the confidence and guts to have a go
  • ​Speak from the heart using authenticity in your favour
  • ​Manipulate the different energies of a stage
  • ​Conquer the seven secrets of speaking
  • ​Use story telling to enthrall an audience
  • ​Tell your story and “fit” your story to your message
  • ​Experience what it feels like to be heard
  • ​Own a room and love it!

Unsolicited Testimonials
Everyone has a story!
If you are thinking everyone but you will be unique, well you can relax. I’ve figured out that your uniqueness lies in the curved balls life sends everyone from time to time.

Why Does It Work So Powerfully?

I believe the biggest thing that stops people getting their message out is the looming question in the back of their brain – “Am I good enough?”

The big difference in this event is that you are taught the theory, then you are critiqued by me in front of the small group of participants and you don’t leave the stage until you feel you are “OK” delivering your story.

This doesn’t involve hyping yourself up to believe you can do more than you feel safe to. This is not “ra-ra” or “hyped up” training to become a rockstar. This course is for people who choose to go deep, learn to speak from the heart and are determined to make a difference on the planet.

I simply teach you to communicate authentically, using your story as your glory and deliver as YOU.

Tell Your Story = Impel Your Glory

My Courageous Speaking Intensive, not only allows you to dig deep into your story, it teaches you to tell your story in public in a powerful, yet authentic way.

Most people are petrified of speaking in public

Lets face it …. most would rather die than speak in public ………… but speaking is the fastest way to grow YOU, have your expertise recognised and take your business to a whole new level ………so if you are serious about your business you MUST learn how to speak and more importantly learn how to tell your story.

Courageous Speaking not only gives the knowledge to get up and speak, it breaks you through your fear and sends you out the door, having actually spoken and been honestly critiqued before you leave.

You will leave knowing you are good enough.
What Makes It Work?
What most don’t know is that the messages in your discomfort is what makes you totally unique, but links you to the masses.
Most every person on the planet has experienced some sort of pain and discomfort in their lifetime, so they will relate to you.
The right story told in the right way takes audiences back to childhood, inviting them to take a journey familiar to them.
Over the weekend you will learn to craft your uniqueness into a format that will win the right audience every time.

I say “right” audience because I never encourage you to speak to audiences that don’t already want to hear what you have to say and I will never ask you to try to speak about anything you don’t already know. 

Makes it a no brainer really!
Here's What Some Past Participants Had to Say
“Wow!! What an amazing weekend.”
Katherine Smith, Naturopath, Melbourne, Victoria
“Courageous Speaking was an exceptionally heart-warming, informative and inspiring workshop. It was most valuable to tell our stories as we honed our skills as public speakers, under the expert and compassionate guidance of Margaret Gill. I would thoroughly recommend the workshop to anyone who wants to develop their skills as a speaker.”
Dr Catherine Fyans, Medical Practitioner, Melbourne, Victoria
“The Courageous Speaking weekend was a profound experience of speaking about my story. It helped me to understand myself on a deeper level. It has inspired me to share my passion and love to assist others to connect and be true to themselves, and follow your dreams. I did it!!!!
Jan Winslade, Yoga Teacher, Speaker and Healer, Mt Martha, Victoria
“Much gratitude for you Margaret for passing on your unique sword-like insights into the (scary) world of public speaking. You held a very safe and accepting space in a place where most people would rather die than be! I feel grateful for the opportunity to trial my story and more ready to go out to speak it (with many other good sparked thoughts for what else to do next). With love, 
Charmaine” Charmaine Dennis, Director of Fertile Ground Health Group, Melbourne, Victoria
Why Does It Work?
I have developed a gift for helping you to identify
and act on the uniqueness that is you
 Firstly you will learn the power of story telling and how it applies to you.
 Secondly we will turn your story into a compelling opening that will win over anyone in an audience of your target market every time you speak.
 Thirdly you will gain new clarity, confidence and courage in yourself, your message and who you are really destined to work with.
On one level this is an event where I teach you what I know about speaking because speaking is THE fastest way to grow your practice and become known as an expert in your field.

On a higher level, it will be one of the most inspiring things you'll participate in.
If you have something to say that might help others, never be afraid to voice it. You'll never know just how much of a difference you may make to the positive trajectory of another human being.
Margaret Gill
Courageous Speaking is Right For You If You Want to Learn How to:
  • Understand the power of story telling and how it applies to you.
  •  Communicate with clarity and integrity
  •  Overcome your fears of speaking
  •  Learn the number one secret ingredient in speaking
  •  Get clarity in your messages to strangers
  •  Build the confidence and guts to have a go
  •  Speak from the heart using authenticity in your favour
  •  Manipulate the different energies of a stage
  •  Conquer the seven secrets of speaking
  •  Use story telling to enthral an audience
  •  Tell your story and “fit” your story to your message
  •  Experience what it feels like to be heard
  •  Own a room and love it!

If you want to become more inspiring in your interaction with people……..then this event is for you
But don’t just take my word for it ....... 
here is some of the feedback from previous courses......
“I’ve found such clarity in my story, which I already knew, but now I can see how it can help others. Such a deeply profound weekend which I’ve not experienced on any of the many other courses I’ve attended.”
Daniela Grincevicius, Holistic Kinesiologist Melbourne VIC
“It was a unique experience shared with other practitioners that created magic and connectedness. I have never experienced this before. Truly wonderful. 
Thank you Mz Margz”
Dr Amanda Waaldyk, Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Melbourne VIC
“A magic environment to share, grow in clarity and confidence and connect to self and others in expanding our passion filled business
Grace Ambrook, Soul Signature Guru, Northern Rivers NSW
It was such a safe, caring and supportive environment, which enabled me to speak from my heart without fear of being judged. Added to the skills and tips you gave us in a practical manner, the connection and clarity is priceless. I will certainly use what I have learned at this event for the rest of my life. I look forward to what my business can now become”
Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant, Strathalbyn, South Australia
“Thank you for an extraordinary experience. It provided a safe environment to confront the entrenched blocks in my life and my business, to work through them and to gain a deep understanding that transformed my perceptions.”
Lia Scomazzon, Principal of Bilancia Natural Therapies, Mornington, Victoria
If you have ever seen the human spirit soar when placed under pressure, you will understand why magic occurs during a Courageous Speaking Intensive.
Margaret Gill
Case Study
I had the great honour to have the gifted Queensland artist Denise Daffara in a recent Courageous Speaking Intensive. Denise has generously allowed me to share her story so others get to experience the joy of appearing confidently at the front of a room.

When Denise had gallery openings she used to find it debilitatingly hard to speak out about her art work. Some years later, I can confirm she is now confidently presenting on video the content for her deeply nurturing online classes 'Creativitea Time for You'.
Here is what Denise experienced in her own words:
"I went along to the two day workshop with the thought that... I really disliked how I felt and performed when speaking in front of an audience, especially when under the spotlight and speaking about my artwork... but I had a burning desire to overcome this so I was intrigued that the 'Courageous Speaking Intensive' promised to address all my concerns and more.

I loved the intimate atmosphere of having the workshop held in a friends home, and with only 5 other participants it felt like each one of us was given a chance to be heard but not overwhelmed as can happen in larger gatherings.

Margaret explained things in a unique and very informative way.... I went away after the second day not quite sure where I was going to take the information I had just learned... I knew I had to fine tune a few things and Mz Margz generously offered to do a follow up phone conversation with me... so a few weeks later we had that chat... and by the end of the hour I had a bunch of amazing ideas that Mz Margz had the brilliance to glean from me speaking about my artwork; highlighting things I didn't even realise I could use to inspire others & numerous workshop ideas.

I am so grateful for that valuable advice and most especially the way Margaret has the gift of seeing the diamonds in the rough, and being so quick and loving to shine the light on them.

That evening after speaking to M. I had a brainstorming session with a friend and put all I'd learned to use and came up with my own unique workFun/shop outline... my friend Linda had the wisdom to make me set a date... so on 23 Jan 2010 I held my first funshop... and thankfully my friend Mel had the foresight to catch it on film... and thanks to YouTube... I can share the joy and be reminded of how my stepping into my joy made each participant and myself feel fabulous. Thank you!"
Bobby Sampsons,
Founder of RubyGoo.com
Denise Daffara

Denise completed my Courageous Speaking Intensive in November 2009 and ran her very first workshop in her art studio in January 2010 and you can see below the effervescent delight that exuded from Denise as she delivered her own first workshop in the video.
The transformation from a scaredy cat to the joy and confidence Denise radiates in this video bought me to tears. A friend said it is the most inspiring thing she has seen watching the women develop as they painted.  It's why, despite all that challenges, that I do what I do!  
Margaret Gill
You too can experience the joy you see in this video and start running and speaking at your own events if you are ready to heal your story and then be prepared to step out and simply put your joy into the world!
What Can You Expect from Courageous Speaking?

Most courses teach you what you need to know then leave you to implement what you have learnt in your own time. Sadly most of what you have learned will be lost within 2-3 days after the event finishes.  This is what we do throughout the weekend....

We will commence at 7PM then get all the formalities out of the way.  This will give everyone a change to introduce themselves and just have a relaxed evening before we start back for the real adventure.  We'll be finished by 9PM.

The first day is theory day - I'll teach you HOW to deliver your story

Saturday Evening You Will Prepare & Practice Your Story

More practical stage craft & agreements on how the afternoon will proceed in a safe, loving and supportive envirnoment

Each participant delivers their talk and receives feedback

You Are Only Required To Speak For 10 Minutes, then you will get 20 minutes of feedback each so you leave knowing you nailed it!

This course differs drastically in that we don’t leave until you’ve got it.  

For instance, if you don't walk on the stage in a confident manner, you'll be coached and shown and you'll go on until you've mastered your entry.

You will implement what you have learned over the weekend on the final day, which is also when you loose your fear.

You will be fully nurtured and supported as you work through your tears and fears.
Fear is a weird thing. 
It disappears once you walk through it the first time.
Margaret Gill
2 Day Courageous Speaking Immersion Retreat

A Unique Window Has Opened For Me To Run A "Return To The Boards" Immersion Retreat
In Beautiful Surroundings in Noosa, Queensland, Australia


Friday 12 October to Sunday 14 October 2018


Friday 19 October to Sunday 21 October 2018
You Need to Complete a Short Application Form & I'll Phone You To Talk About Your Courageous Speaking Journey With Me & Give You All The Details of The Location etc
2 Day COURAGEOUS Speaking event

"return to the boards"
Special price


  • This event will be held in a beautiful location, allowing you to stay onsite should you chose - it is the perfect environment  for you to fully immerse in your Courageous Speaking journey
  • Meet & Greet Friday Night
  • 2 Day Event Held Saturday & Sunday (till late)
  • You Take Care of Your Own Accomodation & Food
  • You Leave With It Done!
The Location
Add Event Information
Where to Stay
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