My Unearth Your Sacred Potential Program helps people on a mission re-fire their souls ambition, get crystal clear and mission focused while developing the leadership skills and courage to inspire others, plus gain the internal clarity and confidence to step your message out to the world!
Margaret Gill
Imagine if every soul who was destined to bring good in this lifetime actually steps into their purpose and power?
It sounds a little heady,....... but if every soul activated fully, imagine how different the world would be.
Being fully activated is not easy though!  
Being on purpose is for people in it for the long haul 

Being on purpose IS a lifetime commitment. 
 You Start Out With Awesome Intentions ........
  Meanwhile life intervenes...... 
  • ​You get busy.  
  • Things have to be done.  
  •  You are overloaded.  
  •  The mundane demands your attention.
Sometimes you just have to take time out to refill and become re-inspired again.

This isn't your fault.  Everyone who has cut through to the top has been frustrated because life gets in their way.

Other times you realise that talking the talk is not enough and you actually have to take the actions that will get you clear and focused on how you want to move your message forward.  

Anyone who has taken a leap of faith will know, the place you land in, will most likely be one of the most frightening places you'll ever experience because it means you actually have to do what you've been saying. YIKES!

If things are feeling a little daunting right now, it means you're on the right track, but you do want to have your book published, you do want to make that business happen, you do want to have your voice heard and make a difference in the world.

If you are like me, you probably just started out with no prior experience and your learning occured on the fly on an "as needed basis".

Then the 'L' Word Comes Into Play

NO ONE tells you what a journey it's going to be and most certainly NO ONE mentions the fact that you will become a leader, way before you're prepared to be one.  

To do that you need to dig deep into who you are - but that can be daunting!

Discomfort Happens

If you haven't fully accepted your leadership journey, you're eventually going to end up in a place where your mouth is saying one thing and your actions are saying another.

The discomfort zone is dangerous, because it urges you to retreat back to where you were, resulting in you loosing so much of the ground you've worked so hard to develop.  

What you need when you hit these hard spots is inspiration.
Help Is At Hand!
My Unearth Your Sacred Potential program offers tools that have helped thousands of people just like you who didn't realise they were signing up to become leaders in their field.  

This program is difficult to explain because on one hand it give coaches tools that will help them coach leaders.

On the other hand, the material is a highly motivating program based in the power of love.

Somewhere in teaching how to teach others - huge personal breakthroughs occur.

It will help you feel clear, inspired and safe as you move forward ...... but more importantly stay that way!
No One Told Me The Leap I Took Would Be This Long & This Hard!
I jumped during the wild wild west of personal development!

These were heady times

The Field of Dreams movie was assuring people 
"Built It and They Will Come".

The book The Alchemist promised 
when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
What they don't tell you in the personal development books is that following your dream ALSO INCLUDES learning to speak publicly, branding yourself, allowing cameras in your face without cringing, inventing products, learning to sell yourself and the hardest yet most important leap .... learning to believe in yourself at every big leap you have take on the journey!

These activities are all leadership based roles.
I had a big advantage though because I left school at 15 to play in a rock n roll band, so getting on stage wasn't an issue for me.  My issue with speaking was the lack of anything between me and the audience.  I'd always been on stage with a massive big CP70 grand piano between me and the audience, plus I had fellow band members who took the limelight off me.
This shot shows how I used my piano as a shield from the audience and how I let the boys out the front do all the "fronting" - this shot was taken as we were beamed out live to a TV audience of 3 million people, the massive auditorium was packed and behind that banner sat the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra waiting to join us in the chorus.  Speaking to my local Rotary was way more challenging for me than this live performance.
Working Positively With People Requires You To Be Front & Centre Stage All By Yourself, All The Time!
Speaking requires you to be front and centre with nothing between you and the audience. 
It takes a long time to develop the courage to step out and present with your name all over everything!
My Unearth Your Sacred Potential begins to give you the skills and confidence to put who you really are to the world, whilst giving you valuable tools you can use with your clients forever.
The Struggle Nearly Killed Me!
I endured some very dark nights of the soul and went to some very dark places ..... but I'm still standing because the voice within me still wants to get out and be heard!
I was determined to find answers ..... because my soul still only wanted to work positively with people.
I knew from my corporate days that getting the right training was important.

I knew from my rock n roll days that learning from the RIGHT people was key.
So I set out to find people who resonated with my soul and who were well ahead of me on this journey of putting yourself out into the world as yourself.
One of the people I found whose work really resonated was Lance Secretan.  

So when I heard he was credentialing people to teach his material, I didn't hesitate to sign up.  His work encourages leaders to come from a place of inspiration.
I've realised there are two choices.  Try to push your way in ..... something we're seeing a lot of in social media circles right now.

The other way is to become so inspiring and authentic that people can't help but want to come along with you for the ride.
The Secret Sauce Is Inspiration!
You see what no one tells you at the start is that you will need to become an inspirational leader the moment you start helping others.  

Think about the people you are drawn to, the people whose emails you always open, the people who engage your soul in every transaction with them.  

The people who are making it big are inspiring!

Trouble is, very few people can teach you inspirational leadership tools.

Lance Secretan's Higher Ground Leadership® principles gives passionate people the foundational leadership skills they need to shine. 

The information is timeless, and you'll get recordings that you can go back to time and time again.  This material is for people like you, who are called from a higher place and constantly turn around to find people following them ...... when really you didn't set out to have that happen!
Inspired Leadership Will Always Draw The Right Crowd
Unearth Your Sacred Potential simply teaches people who work positively with others how to lead from a place of inspiration, love, passion and courage.

You can find out how below:
Who Is This For?
However You Are Showing Up as a Leader Right Now, You Are Going To Love The Insight, Knowledge and Internal Strength & Resonance "Unearth Your Sacred Potential" Will Give You!
You might be stepping up in your workplace
You may already be influencing bigger groups
Possibly you influence an online community
Perchance you're starting to teach something that started as a hobby and others are now looking to you for wisdom and guidance
It could be that you're the unsung hero who volunteers their time, voice and specialised knowledge each and every week
Or perhaps you frequently find yourself at the head of the pack because others just naturally appoint you to lead them!
The people who resonate with this material are coaches, people in the "healing" industry and corporate refugees ..... those brave souls who have worked in a large corporation, big hospital or any type of bureaucratic organisation that really needs to change the way they do things.
I believe you are a leader if you share your wisdom with others and if the buck stops with you in any group larger than one!
Past Participant Testimonial
Very soul provoking and inspiring.
Pia Laura - Kinesiologist - Melbourne Australia
How Does It Work?
This is a 6 Module eLearning Program
Here's how you can participate in this online program
At a Pace That's Right For You
At Times That Work For You
It's On Demand
What Will You Learn?
Are you someone with a big mission but a whole lot of disjointed ideas?
Well I want to share with you an idea that you might find interesting. You see the biggest challenge I’ve encountered both personally and with people who work with a lot of heart and soul is NOT their lack of knowledge or marketing savvy.  It's their lack of clarity that's holding them back.

Great ideas and great vision abound, but failing to be able to bring everything together into a cohesive package that allows people to understand why they should follow you and work with you on a daily basis, well that’s the challenge!
I fully understand the challenge because of course its my story. 
I had created a whole lot of products and services that helped people, but none of it was cohesive.  No one understood me - it was like there was a big road block in my way.

The piece I had missing was the big picture clarity and the right strategies to implement my ideas.
It made me feel frustrated! 
In fact, it was the worst feeling in the world.

I had tried so many things and had got so much right, but there just seemed to be something invisible, yet massive, in the middle of the road blocking my forward progress.
Eventually I Found Some Tools That Helped
Imagine my delight when I found Lance Secretan’s Higher Ground Leadership® work.  

By week 4 of our certified coach training I understood how I could teach people how to find their reason for being via a simple tool called a WHY-BE-DO statement. Not only did it help me, but it has also helped many others get crystal clear.
I believe that how well you lead and how well you can articulate your ideas will determine how far you get with your dreams and aspirations.
It may be YOUR voice and YOUR vision that people need right now.
Most People Don't Consider Themselves Leaders
You may be thinking ..... "but I'm just an ordinary person living an ordinary life - I don't want to be some powerhouse CEO".  That was my reaction too.  But whether we like it or not, everyone with a message is a leader.  People all over the world are begging for great leadership in every area of life, not just corporate.
People are crying out to be lead.
Your family needs great leadership.  
Your community needs great leadership.
Unearth Your Sacred Potential gives you tools you can use to support a Girl Guide troop or to lead in a massive corporation and it's all based around the energy of love, and being authentic.

If you're the one who seems to be constantly organising things and teaching others, then you are already a leader.  

I remember teaching at small group at my house and we stopped for a break.  I was looking forward to a little bit of peace and quiet and a space of no questions.  As I walked down the hall a voice from my crew member was asking if she should put out big forks or little forks with the cake at morning tea. 

It was a defining moment for me because I just wanted her to decide.  But I could tell she didn't want to do the wrong thing.  Bottom line was, I hadn't outlined my vision for the breaks clearly enough for her to feel empowered to make the right decision on the forks.  

I also hadn't communicated clearly enough that I would be totally happy that she make all the decisions on what happened with the morning and afternoon tea, so long as some basic guidelines were followed.

I also knew that my response was going to be important.  I simply asked "which forks do you think would work best?"  I don't remember which forks she chose, but I do remember the joy on her face when she realised I completely trusted her to make the right decision.  I also remember the joy I felt when I realised leadership doesn't have to be hard, it's a lot about having a clear vision and empowering others.

That person has gone on to become someone whose wisdom is sough out by others only a daily basis as they seek direction in both their personal and professional lives.

Am I a leadership guru???  

NO, but I have learned enough to be able to know the difference between good leadership and bad leadership.  I've come to understand that I'm "unlikely leader" and have found things that have worked for me, that I'm happy to share with other unlikely leaders.

What Will Be Included?
Unearth Your Sacred Potential is taught over six weeks.

It is a grown up program so it's up to you to set the agenda and times that you listen to the program and complete your growth work.

You can chose whether you attend the weekly live webinars to get any questions answered or to get live feedback, or you can simply listen "on demand" at a time that works for you.  Yes you can do both!
During the Six Lessons We Will Cover:
Past Participant Testimonial
Every lesson was wonderful and easily able to be implemented so I had a clearer understanding of my purpose and how it relates both to my business and to my life.
Shiona Long - Melbourne Australia
Even if you don’t think you are a leader, you probably already are!

Like it or not, all conscious entrepreneurs, heart based business owners, health and wellbeing practitioners, coaches, light workers, all those with a mission and message …. well we are all leaders shaping the destiny of the planet. This is our sacred potential, much of that potential has been laying dormant within.  The intensity of the energy around us is demanding we unearth more of that potential.  It makes sense then to work with tools that have already proven effective in companies and cultures.

Lance Secretan has transformed massive corporations and whole cities with the tools you will be learning from his Higher Ground Leadership® program . 

It makes sense then, if we give these tried and true tools to heart based people who are here to change the world, then the whole planet is going to benefit.

Unearth Your Sacred Potential is for courageous souls who are fully ready to activate their mission in life.

You have probably started on that mission but have been frustrated due to a lack of clarity, inspiration and knowledge. This program will help you get clear really fast and will give you tools that will allow you to become an inspired leader at whatever speed or level you wish to take it to.

Whether working directly in huge corporations or working from a small clinic room, we are the front runners or leaders who are changing the world, one day at a time and one client at a time.
What Will You Learn?
Spread Over Six Lessons, Unearth Your Sacred Potential will teach you how to:
Unearth Your Sacred Potential is a soul based learning program based around Higher Ground Leadership®, a breakthrough leadership philosophy developed by Dr. Lance Secretan, a pioneering Canadian philosopher whose bestselling books, inspirational talks, and life-changing retreats have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. 

As as Certified Higher Ground Leadership® Coach, Margaret Gill will be teaching a mix of the Higher Ground Leadership® principles and her own unique blend of 15 years real-world corporate knowledge, natural effervescence, vulnerability, authenticity and years spent practicing her own spiritual mastery, encouraging people to recognise and act on their own internal wisdom and transform from the inside out. She helps people get past their humanness and build businesses or systems that will allow their message to get to and positively transform the lives of others.

Higher Ground Leadership® develops the inner landscape of leaders so they can have greater external impact on their organizations, and the world. This work focuses on who leaders are not what they do. It provides highly effective and practical tools for immediate day-to-day application while encouraging leaders to inspire people to greatness vs current out dated models that just aren't working in a more connected world that is demanding more truth, unity and transparency.

That's Only a One Time Payment of $495
 100% Secure. We Never Rent, Trade or Share Your Email
What Will The Focus Be?
We will focus on helping you to:
  • ​Embrace the fact that you may already be a leader
  • ​Learn new tools and ways of being that naturally inspire people
  • ​Help you to broaden the way you think about how you are being in the world
  • ​Identify and use the wisdom you already possess to raise your profile and credibility
  • ​Support you in developing the leadership part of yourself you may not have considered
It’s Time To Summon Coureagous Trust & Stand In Your Authentic Power
The View is Always Clearer From Higher Ground
Have you heard of Lance Secretan’s Higher Ground Leadership® work? 

Well I am one of his Certified Higher Ground Coaches.

You can learn more about Lance’s work here

His work speaks deeply to me because its all about teaching from a very deep and sacred place of heart and leading from a place of inspiration.

This is a perfect opportunity for you to grow and take yourself and business, if you have one, to a whole new level of potential.

This is not a program – it is a life changing experience!

Lance’s work constantly makes you ask the question “how can I be more inspiring?”

Lance is bringing the S word (spirit and soul) to corporate CEO’s all over the world.

As I learned more about the Higher Ground Leadership® principles I came to understand how these simple yet profound principles create clarity, inspiration and forward movement at a pace far greater than anything I’ve ever seen before.

Lance’s work is so profound I saw no reason to go re-create that wheel, hence why I sought to become accredited with his program.

It makes you think deeply about not only yourself and your role as a leader or even a reluctant leader, but it also asks us to look deeply at who we are being in every action and every moment of the day.

You don’t have to be a corporate CEO to benefit from this work, in fact I believe my people will embrace and implement the learning easier than the stiff white shirt brigade.

Unlikely leaders come in all shapes and sizes. I’ve experienced Mum’s and Dad’s using the principles with their kids and getting amazing results. These concepts are universal and could be used with your clients to firstly help them rise up to a higher level, but also have them automatically see you at a higher level too.
For a Limited Time You Can Also Attend a 6 Week LIVE Zoom Class
PLUS Get a 1:1 60 Minute Private Session to Use When You Like
That's a One-Off and You Can Only Register for that offer until 3rd September 2018 then it goes away forever!
 100% Secure. We Never Rent, Trade or Share Your Email
Meet Your Tutor the Fabulous Margaret Gill
Margaret Gill never set out to be a leader or a speaker, she just wanted to work positively with people.  But during the infancy of her first business, she realised that the power was always at the front of a room, not in the room with everyone else.  So to keep her small company Abundant Private Practices, that supported health and wellbeing practitioners with foundational speaking and business basics afloat, she broke through her own enormous fear so she could keep helping others. She brings a unique blend of 15 years real-world corporate knowledge and fifteen years spent practicing her own spiritual mastery to every encounter. She doesn’t just apply a bunch of theory, she knows how daunting new situations can be because she has been there. Through it all, she has stuck steadfastly to her dream, and her driving motivation is to see others achieve their dreams, too. Margaret’s natural effervescence, vulnerability and authenticity allows audiences to connect deeply as she encourages them to seek their own freedom while positively influencing the lives of others.
I've Made It My Business to Learn From Some of the Best in the Industry
Finally Meeting Sir Richard Branson Was Awesome!
Many Events With Brendon Burchard & Micki Aronson in Silicon Valley
After Years of Learning Finally Meet Ali Brown in Sydney
Awesome Voice Coaching with Roger Love in his Hollywood Studio
So even if you don’t think you are a leader, you probably already are!
 Getting clarity at this high level has been invaluable to my me and is one of the most important things I’ve learned in the last decade. I’d love to help you create achieve this level of clarity and inspiration in your own life and business.
This program is for courageous souls who are fully ready to activate their mission in life.

Even if you're already on your mission or just starting out, this course will help you find the clarity, inspiration, wisdom and knowledge that will take you to the next level of your evolvement. 

This program helps to get you clear really fast and the tools allow you to become an inspired leader at whatever speed or level you wish to take it to.

Whether working directly in huge corporations or working from a small clinic room, we are the front runners or leaders who are changing the world, one day at a time, one client at a time or one small action at a time.

So even if you don’t think you are a leader, you probably already are!

This program will make you think deeply about not only yourself and your role as a leader or even a reluctant leader, but it also asks us to look deeply at who we are being in every action and every moment of the day.

You don’t have to be a corporate CEO to benefit from this work, in fact I believe my people will embrace and implement the learning easier than a traditional leaders locked into thinking one way about things.

Unlikely leaders come in all shapes and sizes. I’ve experienced Mum’s and Dad’s using the principles with their kids and getting amazing results. 

These concepts are universal and could be used with your clients to firstly help them rise up to a higher level, but also have them automatically see you at a higher level too.

During the 6 Week Program
We will discuss the concepts that have been shared with me, 
then we will discover how those concepts can be built into your life and business.

The course runs for 6 weeks and is via Zoom
so you can attend on your computer or via the phone

Yes the calls are recorded and are evergreen (available forever!) 
you can login to the members area and listen whenever you like.

The cost will be $495 for the full six weeks but you have the material forever!

This is an awesome opportunity!
Unearth Your Sacred Potential Today
Don't spend another day procrastinating - sign up now!
For A Limited Time Only!!
  • I understand I will get the following:
  • 6 x 1 Hour Personal Live Interactive Sessions
  • All Worksheets & Handouts
  • Discussion & Networking Opportunities
    with Classmates in a Closed Community
  • ++ PLUS ++
    6 x 1 hr One on One Clarity Session
    with Margaret Gil
  • One Time Payment of $295
  • Billed in Australian Dollars
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